How to Plan a Short-Term Mission Trip
“How to Plan a Mission Trip” was designed as a quick resource for pastors and church leaders who want to mobilize their church for missions.
Many books have been written on how to plan a mission trip and are helpful tools. The purpose of this booklet is to provide a basic framework for planning a mission trip. It is not a recipe; it will need to be adjusted based on individual needs and constraints.
It is also important to understand that it is not intended to be prescriptive. For example, lengths of trips and meeting times may vary significantly. It is intended to provide a starting point.
Regardless of the size and budget of your church, you can play an active role in missions. Whether your church has sent short-term teams before or is preparing to do so, MissionExcellence can help.
We hope this guide will be an important tool that will enable your church to maximize your short-term mission efforts for His glory!
It is important to start with a solid foundation when planning a missions trip.
First, ask yourself, “Why do you want to do a short-term trip?”
In other words, what is your motivation for promoting a trip? God-centeredness is foundational before you begin planning a trip. An excellent short-term trip seeks first God’s glory and his Kingdom.
It is also critical to pray throughout the process.
May God bless you as you embark on this journey.
~ MissionExcellence Team
This booklet is meant to be printed as half-page 5.5 x 8.5 in.