6 Steps for Planning a Short-Term Mission Trip

Here are six steps you can utilize to formulate your next mission trip team.
STEP 1 – Team Determination Phase
- Agree on goals with your partner
- Mutually design your plan
- Implementation of plan
STEP 2 – Team Publicity Phase
- Include training, trip and debriefing dates
- Set accurate expectations of trip
- Use appropriate photos
STEP 3 – Team Selection Phase
- Select qualified team leaders
- Confirm team size with host
- Consider criteria for team members
STEP 4 – Team Training Phase
- Determine key areas for training
- Include opportunities to apply training
- Provide information for senders and hosts
STEP 5 – Team Returning Phase
- Debrief the team for re-entry
- Provide follow-through resources
- Equip senders for team’s return
STEP 6 – Evaluation Phase
- Assess effectiveness of training
- Determine accomplishment of partnerships goals
- Plan next steps