Part II: Mobilizing Communities of Color
Ron and Starr Nelson, founders of Sowing Seeds of Joy, share about the unique opportunities African Americans have to share the gospel because of their ongoing story of liberation from oppression. They also share about the importance of relationships and a commitment to the long-haul when it comes to partnering with and mobilizing the African American Church.

Ron Nelson is a licensed and ordained minister, is co-founder of Sowing Seeds of Joy, an organization founded in 2007 to connect the hearts of people to the heart of God. We do this by empowering church leaders and believers through discipleship and training. Our belief is that effective evangelism leads to community transformation. Ron holds a B.A. in Vocational Rehabilitation and Counseling, and is a former police officer, US federal agent, and mission director at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, TX.; he now serves as a mission mobilizer, Perspectives Coordinator, and certified Evantell trainer. Ron’s travels and experience has taken him to Haiti, Belize, Brazil, Jamaica, Papa New Guinea, Austria, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Nigeria, Kenya, Philippines, South Africa, and countless regions and cities of the US.
Star Nelson is co-founder of Sowing Seeds of Joy. She holds a B.A. in Criminology, minors in Government, Psychology, Accounting, Spanish. Former Tax Business owner, Star has 32-years of Government experience with Internal Revenue Services and the US Postal Service (now retired postmaster), and works as a very knowledgeable logistical trainer and mobilizer in cross-cultural missions for SSOJ. Along with husband, Ron, she too is a Perspectives Course Coordinator and certified Evantell Trainer. Star has logistically coordinated hundreds of mission teams since 1998 and has traveled extensively with her husband serving in global ministry. Star is an advocate of connecting the hearts of people to the heart of God by way of mission education, and mission exposure.
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