Utah: the forgotten mission field
Russ East, the founder of Utah Partnerships for Christ (UPFC), and his family were 4th generation Mormons before being invited to a Bible church in their hometown and becoming followers of Jesus. We talk with Russ about how UPFC is reaching out to Mormons in Utah and how mission teams are a part of their ministry. He also shares how a mission trip to Utah can help you reach out to Mormons in your own community. Listen to learn more about serving among Mormons as you discover God’s call for your life and ministry.

I [Russ East] grew up in a fourth generation Mormon family. When I turned eight, I was baptized and confirmed into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I was soon encouraged to save money for my mission when I turned nineteen. I can vividly remember tithing ten percent of my one dollar a week allowance, and how good that made me feel. I remember singing songs like, “Book of Mormon Stories”, and “The Golden Plates”.
I also remember the fear that swept my heart because my Mom and Dad were not married in the Mormon Temple. If they had been I was taught our family would be sealed together in heaven, and never apart when we died. I remember competition rather than Christ’s love. I remember pressure to be perfect rather than the plan of true salvation.
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